Business and government collaboration necessary for St John’s improvement, say business specialists

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Emanuel and Hodge indicated that it is necessary for business owners and the government to collaborate in the effort to improve St John's (photo courtesy: Shutterstock).
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By Charminae George

[email protected]

Amid much discussion of the derelict state of the country’s capital, St John’s, business specialist, Dr McChesney Emanuel expressed the view that it is necessary for business owners and the government to collaborate on a way forward.

“I think it is time for the business people to come together with the authorities and come up with a plan to ensure that we can make our historic city one that is the pride and joy of our country,” Emanuel stated on Sunday’s Big Issues.

He referenced Times Square in New York City as an example of a similar collaboration which resulted in the city being transformed into the business and tourism hub that it is today.

“It was out of control. Crime, peddlers, buildings were run down…and then in the 1980’s, we started to see a transformation…Times Square is what it is [because] of businesses joining in partnership with the public sector,” he explained.

J Valerie Hodge, Managing Director of Shirley Heights Lookout, expressed a similar sentiment on the show, however, adding that legislation regulating vending activities in St Johns is necessary.

“…It has to be underpinned by legislation that dictates [the rules] because it’s really hard to say to a business ‘Well, look, I want you to spruce up the place and have it looking better’, when you have vendors that are unregulated,” she said.

The government via last Wednesday’s Cabinet notes announced that it is contemplating consulting with property owners in St John’s to set standards for buildings in the city. This is in an effort to improve the city’s conditions for residents and visitors alike.

Dr Emanuel has a doctorate degree in Organization and Management from Capella University and over 20 years of education and business leadership experience.

J Valerie Hodge has been at the helm of the renowned Shirley Heights Lookout restaurant for 34 of its 42 years.

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