Chinese investor Yida Zhang has filed an application for leave to appeal the judgement of Justice Rosalyn Wilkinson dated April 19, 2018, and a stay of the proceedings pending the appeal.
This is in regards to the ongoing legal battle between the billionaire and local real estate company, Lux Locations Limited.
The application for leave was filed on May 3, and on June 19 it was adjourned until June 22. When the matter came up for the second time, Justice Mario Michel ordered another adjournment until July 31.
In the document emailed to OBSERVER media, Justice Mario Michel ordered that the respondent {Lux Locations Limited and its attorneys} shall serve the affidavit and submissions filed on June 18, 2018, on the applicant {Yida Zhang} within seven days of the date of the order and shall file an affidavit of service thereof.
He also ruled that leave is given to the applicant to file and service an affidavit and/or submissions in reply within seven days of being served with the respondent’s affidavit and submissions.
According to the court documents, while Lux Locations filed an affidavit on June 18, in opposition to the application for leave and for a stay, there is no proof of service of the affidavit and submissions on the applicant, and that the applicant would, in any event, have had no opportunity to have replied.
Meanwhile, the order by Justice Wilkinson came with a penal notice because the billionaire ignored previous court orders. The judge also warned that Yida Zhang could also be arrested and imprisoned.
However, a source close to the matter told our newsroom yesterday that everything that was outlined in the April order, including the penal notice, is stayed until the matter is heard on July 31.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)
Yida seeks leave to appeal April court order
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