Safety Advisory from the Office of the Directorate of Gender Affairs

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The Antigua & Barbuda Support and Referral Centre (SARC), attached to the Directorate of Gender Affairs (DoGA), is concerned about what appears to be a recent increase in home invasions by masked intruders in Antigua. We note that according to reports, women living alone or with children seem to predominantly be the recurrent target or victims of these crimes and as such, we urge vigilance by this particular subset of people, as well as the general public on hold.

We also note that the golden grove area seems to be one in which a number of reports have emanated. 

We have outlined some proposed measures that can be taken to safeguard yourself and your surroundings.


●    Ensure all windows and doors on your homes are always locked securely; particularly sliding glass doors, and push-up windows. 

●    Check the identification of any sales or service person before letting them onto your property and into your homes.

●   Always conduct a physical examination of your property to ensure that it is secure before leaving. Similarly, look for signs of a break-in before re-entering your home. If there is anything unusual, remain outside your home, and where possible alert your neighbours and call the police.

  • Where it is applicable, leave proper lighting outside your homes at night when you are away.


●     Pay closer attention to your surroundings and always be on alert.

●     As much as possible, stay in well-lit areas.

●     Walk confidently at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic.

●     Avoid walking in poorly lit paths; such as bushy areas and alleys.

●     If you are assaulted, try and remain as calm as possible; while paying keen observation to your attacker. Any description you provide may become useful to the police in their investigation.

●     If you suspect someone is following you, walk into a store or knock on a house door.

If you or anyone you know may have been assaulted, please contact the SARC office without delay. The office provides support services, including forensic medical examination, counselling, and police intervention. To access support services, please call the 24-hour SARC hotline at 463-5555 or visit our office on the corner of Nevis Street & Friendly Alley.

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