By Latrishka Thomas
For Carnival 2024, artists will have a greater chance to claim the Road March trophy, as the judging period has been extended by two additional days.
Director of Culture Khan Cordice revealed at a Thursday press conference that the competition for the country’s most popular ‘road’ or ‘jam’ song will be judged on T-shirt Mas day, Carnival Monday, and Carnival Tuesday. In previous years, it was judged on Carnival Monday alone.
Cordice outlined the registration process, stating that artists can submit up to five soca or calypso songs each. However, all artists and bands must complete their registration at the Festivals Commission by July 25.
He emphasised the eligibility criteria, saying, “Applicants must be citizens or a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda and must present documentation to show proof of citizenship.”
Cordice further clarified, “Only songs released between August 8 2023 and July 25 2024 shall be eligible for the 2024 Antigua Carnival Road March competition.”
Regarding the judging process, Cordice explained that only the first song played by a band at the judging point will be considered.
He stated, “In the event that a band… comes to a standstill in front of the judging point for an extended period of time, playing a variety of songs, only the first registered song will be recorded.”
The soca and calypso competitions have also undergone modifications. Both events will now be more concise, with artists permitted to perform only one song and compete for a single crown.
For example, in the Soca Monarch competition, groovy and jumpy soca artists will now compete against each other for one overall title.