The police are appealing to residents and visitors to be on high alert throughout the carnival season and pay closer attention to safety and security. The police have also issued several crime prevention tips to ensure the safety of all.
- Residents are asked to be mindful of their surroundings and avoid taking unnecessary risks that may expose them to harm or danger.
- Avoid exposing too many pieces of jewellery and large amounts of cash in public places.
- Avoid using ATMs late at night. Persons utilizing ATMs should ensure that the machines are not tampered with, and every effort should be made to protect your PIN.
- Avoid walking in remote or poorly lit areas late at night. If possible, it is advised that you walk in pairs or groups.
- Pay attention while walking. Do not walk and text; especially in crowded areas or during late hours.
- Be sure to secure your house before leaving home. Ensure all windows and doors are securely fastened. Where possible, leave adequate lighting around the house.
- Vehicle owners should take time to secure their vehicles, and avoid leaving keys in the ignition or doors.
- Avoid parking vehicles in poorly lit areas. It is recommended that you park your vehicle in a secure parking lot, and make periodic checks on your vehicle.
- Desist from leaving valuable items inside your vehicle in plain view of the public. This will only encourage thieves to break into your vehicle.
- Home and business owners are advised to properly secure cooking gas cylinders to avoid them being stolen.
- Vendors and shop owners are encouraged to have proper security measures in place. This should include having adequate lighting and proper methods of securing cash and other valuable items.
- The police are also appealing to vendors to desist from serving drinks in bottles and cans during the carnival season.
- Persons having minors or elderly people under their care should pay close attention to them at all times. Every effort must be made to keep them safe from any potential threat or harm.
- Livestock and vegetable farmers are asked to guard against theft and make frequent visits to their farms and report any suspicious activity to the police without delay.
- Members of the public are cautioned not to purchase items that may have been stolen or illegally obtained.
Finally, the police are issuing a stern warning to revellers and those planning to attend the various shows for the carnival, to refrain from carrying weapons to any of the events. Anyone found in possession of an offensive weapon will be arrested.
The police administration is assuring the general public that it will be maximizing all its available resources to ensure the safety and security of every citizen and visitor to this country.
The administration is further calling upon everyone to give the police their full support and cooperation, as they continue in their effort of maintaining law and order.