More nurses and doctors to be sourced from Cuba, says Health Minister

Sir Molwyn Joseph (Photo by Johnny Jno-Baptiste)
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By Charminae George

[email protected]

Almost a dozen medics to boost numbers at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre are set to be sourced from Cuba, says Health Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph.

Speaking on Observer AM on Thursday, Joseph disclosed that talks are ongoing with the Cuban government.

“We are getting support from the Cuban government with nurses to fill the gap…and [we] met with the representative, the diplomat from Cuba, just last week,” he stated.

Responding on the expected number to be sourced, Joseph said, “We have asked for an additional six doctors and we’ve asked for about five additional nurses…in specialist areas.”

Joseph’s comments follow a disruption in healthcare services at the hospital on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A number of nurses withheld their services, resulting in the cancellation of several surgeries.

According to a member of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association, no instruction was given to them to do so.

However, the hospital and the association have been engaged in negotiations on issues affecting the nurses.

These include a need for better working conditions, overtime pay, and a lack of basic equipment.

The next installment of negotiation talks is set for Tuesday.

Regarding the talks held thus far, Joseph said there has been significant progress and that he expects the issues to be resolved shortly.

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