St. Johns, Antigua, April 29, 2023
The Police are appealing to the general public for a peaceful Labour Day weekend celebration.
As part of the annual Labour Day activities, the police have granted several groups and organizations the right to hold marches and other events in solidarity with their members in accordance with the Public Order Act, Cap 357 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda.
As such, the commissioner is calling upon the leaders of these organizations to ensure their supporters adhere to the laws and conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner.
The general public can also expect to see an increase in police presence throughout days’ activities, as well as the implementation of several measures to ensure the safety and security of all.
Some of these measures will include having a Police Command Post both at Fort James and Ffryes Beaches, whilst mobile and foot patrols will be carried out in other areas across of the island.
Residents are further encouraged to pay closer attention to their own personal safety, as well as ensuring that minors and the elderly are properly supervised.
The police are further appealing to motorists to exercise caution on the roads and desist from exceeding the speed limits.
The cooperation of all is paramount to ensure a safe and incident-free Labour Day weekend.