Man robbed at gunpoint of thousands in cash

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Another resident has fallen victim to robbery at gun point. 

47-year-old Julio Caesar says he was coming from a casino with his winnings when three men robbed him.

“He take it everything. He taking my part. We have a something in the pocket, maybe 4000 and something in the pocket. I’m behind the pack, may have a 1000 and something. He take it. Everything. My ID. My what ID? My what ID? Antigua, My what ID. Santo Domingo. My medical benefit. The Social Security having something in the pocket. Take it. Everything” Caesar said.

The construction worker who has lived in Antigua and Barbuda for almost 17 years says one of the men held a fishing gun while the other pointed a hand gun at him, demanding that he give up his money.

He suspects that the robbers could have been inside the Paradise Hot Slot Casino on Popes Head Street or at a bar he went to after he won just over $7,000 in cash yesterday.

He tells Observer he was walking home at around 1am when it happened.

He went on to say, “Me go by the casino. They pass by the bar, the Spanish bar and I stay here and I drink something. As soon as I go home. When let me go by home and turn by the corner and three people tell stop for me, this, for us and take my money. Everything. Take it”

Caesar, born in Santo Domingo, says he works long days at a construction site is still hoping that he gets his money back as the police continues to investigate.

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