Innovation and technology for gender equality

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By the Human Resource Professionals of Antigua and Barbuda

Today we share with you this article from the Caribbean Society for HR Professionals (CSHRP), an organisation dedicated to promoting dialogue, research, and thought-provoking discussions on various HR-related topics. To learn more about CSHRP please visit or contact [email protected].

Innovation and technology have become major catalysts for gender equality in the workplace, and the Caribbean Society for Human Resource Professionals (CSHRP) is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) by recognising the many ways in which women have been leading this charge.

As a profession, human resources (HR) has long been dominated by women, and they have been at the forefront of reshaping the world of work towards one where both genders are celebrated and respected as valuable contributors to business success.

At CSHRP, we believe that when women are given the same opportunities and resources as men they can achieve amazing things. That’s why we are challenging employers across the Caribbean to ensure that they are fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity and encourages collaboration and innovation.

One way you can do this is by promoting the use of technology to support gender equality. For example, we are exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help eliminate unconscious bias in recruitment and selection processes. And using online training and development programmes to provide equal access to learning opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender or location.

According to, a statistics and review website, 58 percent of companies depend on HR technologies for talent recruitment and retention. There are two things that we can learn from this. First, that there is a shift towards using software as a means of hiring and on-boarding employees and, second, this same software could hold the key to employee retention.

Of course, technology alone is not enough. We also need to continue creating a culture that empowers women to take on leadership roles and make their voices heard. This means more than having a seat at the table; it means sitting at the head of the table and being able to contribute to the discourse at the table.

This year for IWD we challenge men and women alike to embark on mentorship and networking journeys that prepare the next generation to continue to foster a supportive and inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued and respected.

This International Women’s Day let us celebrate the many ways in which women are using innovation and technology to create a more equal and inclusive world of work. Let us continue to challenge outdated ideas and biases and let us work together to build a brighter future for all.

The Human Resource Professionals of Antigua and Barbuda (HRPAB) is a registered non-profit, professional association dedicated to the advancement of the HR profession for national development. We began informally from 2009 and legally registered in 2011. HRPAB’s growing membership represents private and public organisations as well as independent consultants specialising in one or more areas of human resource management and development. Membership is offered for three categories: professional, non-professional, and honorary. You may contact us via email at [email protected] or on Facebook and Instagram @HRPro268.

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