We’ve heard about the fixed mindset, growth mindset, entrepreneurial mindset, and all sorts of mindsets, but have you heard about the hustle mindset?
A quick internet search tells us that the word hustle can be traced back to the 17th century. It comes from the Dutch word ‘Husseln’, which means to shake or toss. In German dialects, hustle signifies a shaking movement, but the term has since evolved. It’s now synonymous with an ambitious and persevering pursuit—a quest Rowland Robinson knows quite well.
The Cashew Hill resident describes himself as an “absolute hustler”. He manages a shop, once owned by his mother who’s now deceased. In Home Sweet Home, you’ll find a variety of groceries, as well as fast food. Rowland told YouthZone that he honed his culinary skills at home and at a local hotel where he worked in the kitchen.
The 31-year-old said his hustle started while he was a student at Clare Hall Secondary School. After 1.30pm, Rowland hurried off to the hotel. He was later laid off. The disappointment was great and Rowland avoided the hospitality industry for quite some time. Amid the letdown, he ventured into other fields of work—from stone landscaping to operating heavy duty machines and servicing boats.
The young entrepreneur acknowledged that hustling cultivates a strong work ethic. It necessitates consistent discipline and relentless resilience, which he continues to embrace and demonstrate. Rowland said hustling taught him so much over the years, making him more adaptable and versatile. When the well of opportunities dries up for Rowland, the hustler mindset goes into overdrive and allows him to create his own opportunity.
“That’s why you have to believe in you. Instead of turning to someone for confidence, have the confidence in yourself,” Rowland advised young people. “Confidence builds you, builds stability and helps you make right decisions,” he added.
Self-belief is indeed admirable and necessary for hustling. You must move. Move yourself from that zone of comfort to that zone of action where you take initiative and chase opportunities. You’re going to need that confidence to lead and communicate your vision effectively. Also note that hustling often involves building relationships, networking, and making connections. Confidence allows you to approach and engage with new people, make an impactful impression, and establish rapport. However, remember to balance that confidence with humility and a willingness to adapt and grow.
But the father of four admitted that there’s a price to pay for hustling. While many are desirous of financial independence, hustling can rob the hustler of valuable time, creating little or no room for self, family and friends.
This imbalance may directly threaten the hustler’s ability to maintain a healthy mindset. In the absence of self-care, it may also lead to burnout. So, you need to prioritise self-care now as you focus on your side hustles and entrepreneurial ventures. Some hustles are not short-term endeavours. They may last years. But is it possible to find fulfillment beyond 8 to 4?
Yes, living a fulfilled life while hustling is possible. It requires careful consideration and balance. Remember to build fruitful relationships and celebrate accomplishments, big and small. Once you have struck that balance, you can envision a brighter future, like the one Rowland has for his children.
It includes a state of independence, a sound education, and value of hard work. “I want them to live better than me and not be easily distracted. If I could leave myself, my inspiration for them, I would. I plead achievement and blessings,” said Rowland.