Hospital welcomes donation of new ECG machine 

(From left) FoMSJMC Treasurer Lawrence Blackman, FoMSJMC President Dwayna Derrick, SLBMC Departmental Nurse Manager Ann-Marie Browne-Isaac, FoMSJMC member Evon Challenger, and SLBMC Marketing and Communications Manager Salma Crump
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Local residents will be better protected from heart conditions thanks to the donation of an electrocardiograph (ECG) machine to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre (SLBMC).

The Friends of Mount St John’s Medical Centre (FoMSJMC) gave the equipment, which is valued at over EC$15,000 and has been earmarked for the hospital’s outpatient clinic. 

An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. It is one of the simplest and fastest tests used to evaluate the heart.  

“The generosity of FoMSJMC has been a pillar of SLBMC’s growth story over the years,” said Salma Crump, the hospital’s Head of Marketing and Communications.

“This dedicated charitable organisation has donated funding for just about every area of our hospital—equipment, facilities, training.

“All of us at SLBMC are so grateful for the continuous support from the Friends of MSJMC—Happy to announce, soon to be Friends of SLBMC.

“This donation increases the number of ECG machines at our hospital which will help improve the expert care delivered by our team. They are a true friend; the positive impact of this donation will be felt by many in our communities.” 

 Dwayna Derrick, President of FoMSJMC, said, “We support the people of Antigua and Barbuda through the work that we do raising funds to help advance the mission of the hospital.

“Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre is the nation’s hospital; we’ve been supporting them for decades and will continue to do so for many more to come.”

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