“For the greater good,” explains Beazer

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Kendra Beazer, chairman of agriculture, lands, fisheries and coastal protection in the Barbuda Council, has explained why the Council has cut off of the supply of electricity and water to the fisheries complex on the island.
“The reason why the water was turned off was because of the on and off of the electricity, one of the water pumps that we use to produce ice for the fishermen got blown. So, the decision was made to take off the other one so as to not lose both pumps given that APUA’s electricity hasn’t been regularised,” Beazer said.
He added that the generator was also taken off since APUA started supplying the fisheries building with electricity. Beazer also said that since the ongoing dispute between the council, police officers, the minister of Fisheries, and fisheries officials, the council has decided to remain hands off.
According to him, if the other pump gets destroyed then the record will show that the council had made an effort to preserve what is now the only working pump at the facility.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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