DNA calls on Government to Reduce Fuel Prices to pre-March 2022 levels

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The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has been persistent and consistent with its almost daily call for the government to address the escalating cost of living by utilizing a few measures, chief among them is the reduction of the price of gas and diesel at the pump.

The call was partially answered. However, with the cost of a barrel of crude oil hovering over USD$70 for the last few months and with very low refining costs, the prices at the pump must return pre-March 2022 levels.

The DNA welcomes the reduction but calls on the Gaston Browne Administration to do better for the people of Antigua and Barbuda by reducing the price at the pump for gas and diesel to $12.50 and $12.70 respectively as they were before March 2022. Further, the DNA calls on the government once again to implement a pass-through pricing mechanism per shipment to ensure greater accountability and transparency to the public.

Likewise, the DNA continues to call on the Gaston Browne Administration to reduce the customs duties temporarily, RRC and ABST on the freight charges at the port in order to alleviate the skyrocketing cost of living. In addition, the government should include December 23 and 24, 2022 as ABST reduction days.

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