On 24 August 2023, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) released preliminary May/June 2023 examination results to candidates. Following the release of results schools, ministries, and candidates are given the opportunity to query their results, as we understand that candidates may have questions about their grades. CXC® has an established policy in place for candidates to query Ungraded or Absent results as well as to submit requests to have a script reviewed.
The deadline for submission of queries and review requests is 22 September 2023.
Once the query and review processes are completed, final results are issued to candidates via certificates.
Understanding preliminary grades:
Ungraded: A result of “Ungraded” indicates that a paper component (examination script or supporting document) is missing or was not submitted on behalf of a candidate. In the case of “Ungraded”, candidates may submit a Query to have this result investigated. Candidates are not required to pay for this service. Queries may be submitted through schools for in-school candidates or through the Ministry of Education for private candidates.
Absent: Candidates who attended an examination but received a result of “Absent”, may submit a Query to have this result investigated. Candidates are not required to pay for this service. Queries may be submitted through schools for in-school candidates or through the Ministry of Education for private candidates.
Review: Candidates who may have questions about a grade and would like to have a script reviewed, must submit a request for a “Script Review” which is a paid service. The cost per subject review is USD$30. Please note that a script review may result in an overall Grade either increasing or remaining the same. If the review results in an increase in an overall grade, the candidate will receive a refund of their review fee. Reviews must be submitted through schools for in-school candidates or through the Ministry of Education for private candidates.
CXC® is working with schools and Local Registrars to ensure that any concerns raised regarding results of Ungraded or Absent and script reviews are addressed.