Cooking gas arrives on island allaying consumer fears

front 1 cooking gas
The vessel, Daniel B, brought Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) commonly called cooking gas to the island (social media photo)
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Any fears that Antiguans and Barbudans may have had over a cooking gas, or Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), shortage heading into this Christmas season, have been allayed following the delivery of a supply of LPG yesterday.

General Manager of the West Indies Oil Company (WIOC), Gregory Georges, confirmed to Observer media yesterday that his company has fully replenished their tanks, allowing citizens and companies to purchase the crucial petroleum product once again.

“The sea conditions are not the best, but the pilots and our team are managing the risk appropriately . . . and so therefore, we are expecting to have absolutely no shortage of LPG over the Christmas season,” Georges told Observer yesterday.

Large sea swells had prevented the vessels from offloading the product last week, and this caused businesses like the popular food franchise establishment, KFC, to shorten their operating hours in an attempt at rationing.

Additionally, the gas shortage had also reportedly exacerbated conditions at His Majesty’s Prison, as prisoners claimed that it contributed to their poor meals, reducing some to the daily consumption of crackers and cheese last week.

That last, was confirmed to Observer by the head of the prison, Jermaine Anthony.

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