Convicted women fined $600 for wounding

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The four women convicted of stabbing a 20-year-old woman at a pool party in September 2018 have each been fined $600 by Justice Ann-Marie Smith in the High Court this morning.

Dalianne Richardson, Shanique Dwyer, Larsheka Gray and Shimmea Welsh pleaded guilty last month to the unlawful wounding of Denatalee Nicholson.

 On September 26 2018, the four women attacked Nicholson, inflicting multiple stab wounds about her body with pieces of a broken bottle.

They were subsequently arrested and charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

A victim impact assessment was conducted whereby Nicholson testified as to the impact of the injuries inflicted upon her by the women.

She said she has had severe respiratory discomfort and is now living with a constant and nagging pain about her right breast and suffers frequent headaches. Noticeable, too, were the several lacerations she sustained about her body. The victim says these wounds have not yet healed properly and, as such, she has had to return to hospital on several occasions to treat them.

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