Calling all primary, secondary, college and university students across Antigua and Barbuda – come join us, get ready to form teams, represent your schools and compete in the BRIGHT Hack – Plastic Challenge for a chance to win prizes and become a Tide Turner!!!
The Challenge – How Can We Improve Waste Infrastructure?
Admission: FREE
Host: Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN)
Location: Antigua and Barbuda
Modality: Hybrid (Online Weekly Challenges and Face to Face Finals)
Participants: Students (minimum of 3 – maximum 5 on a hacker team) representing their schools
Categories: Elementary (8 – 11 years old) / Junior (12 – 15 years old) / Senior (16 – 19 years old)
Prizes: Cash, Gift Cards, Electronics and a chance to compete in the FIRST Global 2024 Robotics Challenge
About the Hackathon:
Hackathons are unique competition events that bring individuals or teams together in rapid innovation and collaborative engineering to brainstorm business solutions to problems being faced by communities. They are also a great way to network, learn new skills or even just make new friends with similar interests.
BRIGHT: (B)oosting (R)enewables and (I)nfrastructure (G)lobally by (H)arnessing (T)echnology
The BRIGHT Hack – Plastic Challenge is being hosted by CYEN – with support from The Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for the Caribbean (“the BCRC-Caribbean”) – which is executing the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, entitled “Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in Small Island Developing States (ISLANDS)” which seeks to address the sound management of chemicals and waste in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
The purpose of this Hackathon is to inform the public, inspire entrepreneurship and engage youth in Antigua and Barbuda through STEM education using robotics; on the sound management of chemicals, harmful waste and focuses on raising awareness on plastic pollution through Tide Turners –
Hackathon Agenda:
– Students Download the Tide Turners App (Mobile Stores)
Learn how the problem of plastic pollution is negatively affecting our environment
Android –
iOS –
– Students Participate in Weekly Brainstorm Challenges (Begins – February 1, 2024)
Virtual competitions will be held to help inspire robotic ideas on waste management
– Students Showcase their Innovative Ideas in the Finals (Ends – February 29, 2024)
Eligible teams will present their robotic solutions to be judged and awarded prizes
Hackathon Judging Criteria and Winner Selection:
Each hacker team will have five (5) minutes to present and be judged a maximum of five (5) points on:
a) Problem – How creative, unique or innovative is the solution to the challenge?
b) Product – Is the business model viable, how does the solution make money and would anyone pay for it?
c) Practicality – Is the solution realistic and sustainable in the real world, can it be done?
d) Potential – Is the solution scalable and does it impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
e) Pitch – Did the team provide a compelling presentation for their solution, was it clearly explained?
Hackathon Rules and Guidelines:
– PLEASE NOTE: Due to limited spots, there will be an evaluation of all registered teams and a list of the successful hacking teams for final competition will be announced.
– Participants must be enrolled in school at primary, secondary, college or university to compete
– Minimum size of three (3) students and Maximum size of five (5) students per team
– Students can only be a member of one team and participate in one category for this Hackathon
– Teams must download the Tide Turners App and compete in the Four (4) Weekly Challenges to be eligible to present or win in the showcase finals
– Students must be respectful of each other and should not harass, bully or intimidate other participants
– Judges make the final decision on prize winners
– Hackathon organizers reserve the right to disqualify any team, for any reasons whatsoever, at any time
– Have fun, learn something and make something awesome!
Questions / Feedback:
Email Us – [email protected]
We are looking forward to meeting all the teams and hearing the amazing solutions!!!
GOOD LUCK – Let’s Innovate Together!!!