Here’s to her good health

group 15
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It was with a great deal of sadness that we learned of the poor health being experienced by  Sandra Scotland Lady Williams, the wife of our Governor General, Sir Rodney Williams. The disturbing news certainly tempered the joy and happiness of this past Easter weekend. How true the poignant observation by the Psalmist, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him . . . and the son of man that thou visitest him?” [Psalm 8:4] Seems, we are nothing, and it is only by the grace and mercy of the Almighty that we are not consumed . . . For He knows us; He is aware that we are dust. According to the great novelist, Michael Crichton, in response to the age-old question, ‘who am I?’: “The answer is that we are, in reality, terribly frail animals. And we don’t like to be reminded of how frail we are—how delicate the balances are inside our own bodies, how short our stay on Earth, and how easily it is ended.” Indeed!

Lady Williams posted the account of her infirmity on social media, and it moved all Antiguans and Barbudans, to not only empathise with her, but to ponder our own mortality. Said our dear Lady: “I feel compelled to say how much I wish I could do so much more for those who are suffering and afflicted. Recently, my chronic illness, for which I am undergoing treatment, was compounded by head trauma. I slipped on a wet floor and slammed my head against a concrete wall, resulting in seizures and the inability to speak. Thank the Lord, I am recovering somewhat. We never know what tomorrow holds. There is a thin membrane between life and death; a slender cord separating health from illness; a fleeting wind blowing our lives from the known past into the unexplored future. Live every day as if it were your last. God bless!”

She struck so many truisms in that short posting – the thin line between good health and illness, and wellness and death, and how important it is for us to do what we can for those who are less fortunate. She spoke of the uncertainty and brevity of life, reminding us of James 4:14: “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, then vanisheth away.” Clearly, in her stricken state, Lady Williams is giving us pause, even as she uplifts us. She is boldly facing adversity, sharing her struggle with her fellow citizens. Her forthrightness and candour is admirable, and we are inspired by her courage. May the Almighty touch her in a remarkable and miraculous way.

Since she became Her Excellency Sandra Scotland Lady Williams, she has done right by our fair State of Antigua and Barbuda. Her warm and charming disposition, her affable nature, her sweet and gentle smile, her easy manner of being – she is so approachable and unassuming, without airs and pretentions, she made for an excellent partner to our Head of State. She threw herself wholeheartedly into her philanthropic pursuits as the patron of a whole host of charities and associations. She was a wonderful volunteer, identifying needs, and giving generously to meet them. Her HALO Foundation (the umbrella for 33 charities) has done splendidly.

Of course, this is hardly a requiem for Lady Williams. After all, her work here is not yet done. She is currently undergoing treatment abroad, and we are interceding on her behalf, and believing that our God will reach down and restore her to perfect health. She will always be in our fondest thoughts and most fervent prayers. She is an iconic figure, a national treasure, dearly beloved and cherished.

Here’s to your good health, Your Excellency, Sandra Scotland Lady Williams.

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