Youngsters gear up for Youth Week 2024         

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By Azara Lavia

[email protected]

The nation’s young people will take centre stage during annual Youth Week celebrations, being held from August 11-17 under the theme “Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development”.

They will participate in a host of activities designed and planned by the Department of Youth Affairs (DYA).

This year’s theme was designated by the United Nations for International Youth Day, which is celebrated annually on August 12.

The week of activities commences with a church service at the Precision Centre.

Director of Youth Affairs, Dr Jrucilla Samuel, told Observer that there will also be a church service in Barbuda at Abundant Life Ministries.

 Issues affecting young people, such as digital addiction and digital literacy, will be magnified during the church services.

“There is no doubt that young people, as the UN pointed out, comprise the largest demographic of users and developers shaping digital trends worldwide.

“They spend a significant amount of time consuming digital media and technology through gaming, messaging, and video streaming, however many of them still lack digital competence and the church service is an ideal opportunity to discuss contemporary issues and an excellent precursor to International Youth Day,” said Dr Samuel.

 On August 12, a beautification project at Pensioners Beach gets underway. Young people from diverse organisations across the island, including the National Youth Ambassador Corps, National Youth Volunteer Corps, the University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus Guild, and the non-profit organisation, Adopt-a-Coastline, will participate in a beach clean-up, a tree-planting exercise, and a bench instalment activity.

Samuel says the aim is to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation, while building self-esteem and confidence among youth as they engage in a worthy cause.

Other activities include a historical tour, a hike, and a beach bash that will take place on August 13.

The young people will also visit Fort Berkeley and Pigeon Point Beach.

Dr Samuel said that it is all part of an effort to develop a historical and cultural appreciation for the nation’s treasured sites and resources.

Also on the agenda is the CARE Project outreach, which is scheduled for August 14. Several youths will be given the opportunity to visit the facility that houses children and youth with disabilities.

As the DYA aims to build a more inclusive and compassionate community, there will be a puppet show and a reading of short stories at the CARE Project facility at the old Holberton Hospital. The DYA is accepting donations from the general public for the residents. These include food items, health and beauty products, and appliances.

A skills advancement day is also on the calendar of events for August 15. This will be staged at the Captain’s Quarters restaurant in Falmouth. That event will see the DYA strive to enhance youths’ personal and professional development, and increase their chances of success in future life. They will learn about etiquette, networking, and interview techniques, among other things. They will also take professional headshots.

Youth Week activities will culminate with a glow fitness jam on August 16. There will also be short presentations on a healthy lifestyle and aerobic exercises at the DYA compound on Old Parham Road.

Youngsters interested in participating in the activities can call the DYA at 774-0958/781-3078 or email [email protected].

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