Weekend in jail for pastor charged with child rape

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BISHOP Roland Gulston spent the weekend in prison after failing to raise the $150,000 bail sum he was granted last Friday when he appeared in court charged with the rape and molestation of a 15-year-iold girl over a four day period in his church.
Gulston, 56, a pastor for 33 years, was ordered to have no contact with the alleged victim and her mother. He was also told to stay 100 metres away from the child and the same distance away from her school and the house she lives.
Gulston, of Chaguanas, was represented by attorney Shiva Boodoo when he appeared before magistrate Margaret Alert in the Chaguanas First Court.
One charge of sexually grooming, one charge of sexual penetration and three charges of sexual touching the child between July 15 and 18, 2016 were read.
Police prosecutor Sergeant Ken Ali said officers from the Child Protection Unit were involved in the matter. He noted the age of the alleged victim, the number of charges and the seriousness of the offence as he asked that stringent conditions be attached should bail be granted.
Alert placed Gulston on $150,000 bail and attached the five conditions. He was ordered to return to court on February 2. However, the Express was informed that Gulson was unable to make bail and was taken away in a prison vehicle to the Remand Yard, Golden Grove Arouca, where efforts are being made this week to get him out.

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