Venezuela consolidates cooperation alliance with Trinidad and Tobago

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PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Nov. 2, CMC – The government of Venezuela has pledged to strengthen relations with Trinidad and Tobago.
This was the outcome of a meeting held here on Wednesday between Venezuela’s  Minister of Foreign Affairs Jorge Arreaza Montserrat and his Trinidadian counterpart, Dennis Moses.
Accompanied by other representatives from the South American natoin, Arreaza said a broad cooperation agenda was evaluated in the commercial, energy and tourist sectors, among others areas with a view of accelerating binational exchange.
“If we have good relations with any country, it is precisely with Trinidad and Tobago,” said the  Arreaza at the close of the meeting, during which relations between the two countries in general were also discussed .
“It was an extraordinary meeting; the governors have the instruction of President Nicolás Maduro to come and spell out all those aspects, of course, with the support of the Venezuelan central government, “he emphasized.
Arreaza also invited the government of Trinidad and Tobago to attend the Expo Sucre Potencia Fair which will take place soon in the eastern Venezuelan state, and announced the organization in the country of a “Venezuela Exporta” programme which includes the exhibition of Venezuelan products in a unified space that becomes a meeting place for national exporters with foreign buyers.
For his part, Dennis Moses, thanked the Venezuelan delegation for the visit to the island, and agreed with his Venezuelan counterpart on the possibilities of complementary relations between both nations for the benefit of their peoples.
“There is always a flow between the two countries (…) and there is always the possibility of reinforcing that and doing it on a more structured basis,” he said.

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