VC Bird Day commemorated with wreath-laying ceremony

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Crowds turned out to the VC Bird bust on lower Market Street to celebrate the nation’s first Prime Minister (Photo by Samantha Simon)
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By Samantha Simon

[email protected]

Politicians, corporate Antigua and the greater community turned out to the VC Bird bust on lower Market Street yesterday morning to celebrate the nation’s first Prime Minister on his birthday.

The wreath-laying ceremony was preceded by speeches by Dean of Diplomatic Corps Ambassador Maria Esther Fiffe Cabreja, Prime Minister Gaston Browne and other government ministers who spoke to the accomplishments of the founding father.

Reflections on Bird’s history were made by his granddaughter, Housing Minister Maria Browne, and the legacy that has continued through the Bird family’s presence within the ABLP party and the work of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union (AT&LU) of which VC Bird was the President.

Born on December 9 1910, VC Bird also formed the Antigua Labour Party – now the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party – and was the country’s first and only chief minister, and first and last premier. He became the first Prime Minister after Independence in 1981.

Performances were also given yesterday by the Hell’s Gate Steel Orchestra and the ABLP choir, the latter performing renditions of some of VC Bird’s favourite hymns.

The event was closed with sombre reverence as the Governor General, Members of Parliament and the Senate, the diplomatic corps and the business community laid their wreaths at the base of the imposing visage of Sir Vere Cornwall Bird.

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