US $45.9 million loan approved for roads in A&B

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The Caribbean Devel-opment Bank (CDB) said it has approved a loan of US $45.9 million for the government to develop and manage a reliable and sustainable road sector.

The project will be implemented over a period of 40 months, and construction is expected to begin by the final quarter of 2017.

A CDB release said the loan would be used to rehabilitate 27.76 km of existing roads: Anchorage Road, Sir Sydney Walling Highway, Old Parham Road and Valley Road (north).

“A reliable road sector in Antigua and Barbuda is essential for economic development and the delivery of services to all parts of the country, particularly rural communities, which will be unable to develop without access to an efficient road network,” said Daniel Best, director of Projects at CDB.

The bank said four roads to be upgraded under the Project are currently used by 37 per cent of the population daily, and serve to connect the capital, St.John’s, agricultural zones in the south, prime tourism areas, heavily populated communities and the VC Bird International Airport.

More in today’s Daily Observer.

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