The 'Nasty' saga continues

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Lena ‘Queen Ivena’ Phillip has received legal advice to revise her controversial lyrics that led to a threat of litigation from Prime Minister Gaston Browne.
The advice came just days before Queen Ivena is set to perform her song in the quarter finals of this year’s calypso tent competition.
“I spoke to Ivena because I got a copy of the song from Crusader,” disclosed the the singer’s lawyer, Charlesworth Tabor. “I told her, well in the first line she is saying [something]. So I told her she had to take that out and replace it with[something else],” he said.
“She said she spoke to her song writer Kublai and he also told her change it…So I don’t know how she will change it but she will and I told her she’d be on solid ground. So that’s the only change that she will make,” Tabor said.
However, the artiste behind the song that has sparked national discourse regarding freedom of speech and libel laws says the general public will have to come out to Swallow’s Calypso Pepperpot Tent on Saturday night to find out if she will change the lyrics of her song or sing it in its original form.
I don’t know if the lyrics will be changed by then. I really can’t say. I will know by this afternoon,” Queen Ivena told OBSERVER media on Thursday.
(More in today’s Daily Observer)

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