The Antigua & Barbuda Pan Association (ABPA) wishes to clarify its position as it relates to Antigua’s Carnival & the National Panorama 2024

The Panorama show is traditionally one of Carnival’s best attended events
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Dating back to negotiations with the Antigua & Barbuda Festivals Commission (ABFC) for carnival 2023, the ABPA had requested $400,000XCD.

This was the first panorama after Covid and many bands were in a bad situation regarding band headquarters, instruments, members & finances.

ABFC had indicated an unwillingness to provide the requested funds. Their counter-proposal was to provide $300,000XCD instead.

There was an outstanding balance of just over $100,000XCD due to ABPA from carnival 2022.

The ABFC suggested that they could clear the arrears and give $300,000XCD to total our requested sum of $400,000XCD.

ABPA accepted this proposal for the sake of having a panorama and for the general development of the art form.

At negotiations for 2024, The ABPA requested $400,000XCD and presented justification for the figure, by highlighting the expensive nature of preparing a band for panorama.

The ABFC indicated that they were unable to meet our demands and were only in a position to provide $300,000XCD.

ABFC further went on to propose that they provide ABPA with 3500 panorama tickets to be sold and the monies collected would make up the extra $100,000XCD ($105,000XCD to be exact) and kept by the ABPA.

It was disclosed that panorama gate receipts for 2024 only amounted to $30,000XCD (approximately 1,000 paying patrons).

This proposal was subsequently rejected by the ABPA.

It is important to note that the subvention to bands includes not only prize monies but funds to all participating bands towards the development of their respective bands and by extension the steelpan artform in Antigua.

The extremely high cost to prepare a band for panorama is also noteworthy.

The major expenses include the arrangers/drillers fees, tuning of the instruments, purchasing of new instruments, uniforms,
transportation, refreshments, as well as repairs to instruments, racks & trolleys.

Consideration has to be given to the fact that a number of the bands remain unsponsored.

Each year, every band experiences higher expenditure than monies received from ABFC.

Hence, it’s appreciated that the Cabinet of Antigua & Barbuda increased the funds by 10%.

The ABPA has always endeavoured to maintain amicable and respectful negotiations with the ABFC.

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