Some unique and unconventional gifts for dad this year

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Kenicia Francis

[email protected]

Father’s Day began in the early 20th century to honour fathers and fatherhood. The first celebration took place in the United States in 1910, thanks to Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honour her father, a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children. 

Dodd chose June for Father’s Day because it was the month of her father’s birthday. She wanted to honour her father and felt that June was a fitting month to celebrate fatherhood and show appreciation for all that fathers do.

Over time, Father’s Day has become a widely celebrated occasion in many countries around the world.

It’s an important day as it provides an opportunity to show appreciation for fathers and father figures, acknowledging their love, support, and contributions to our lives. 

This year, consider giving your dad an unconventional yet thoughtful gift that shows how much you value him. 

Some ideas could include a wellness-inspired gift, a DIY project, a custom art piece, a hobby or special- interest-related gift, and/or a unique but useful gadget.

Wellness-inspired gifts can range from massages, manicures, fitness items, and a collection of relaxation aids. 

Massages are important for a hard-working man because they can help relieve stress, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall well-being. 

After a long day of hard work, a massage can help relax tight muscles, increase circulation, and promote better sleep. 

Manicures can prevent nail damage, promote good hygiene, especially for men who work with their hands a lot, like mechanics or construction workers, 

Some fitness items that make good gifts are a set of resistance bands for home workouts, a high-quality water bottle to stay hydrated, or a fitness tracker like a Fitbit.

Relaxation aids include a collection of herbal teas, a subscription to a meditation app, a set of aromatherapy candles and/or essential oils.

Some DIY projects that can easily be done at home are hand-painted mugs, woodworking pieces like a key holder or phone stand, or a homemade frame for a special photo of your dad. 

Some custom art ideas are having a local artist or graphic design company do a portrait of your dad, creating your own portrait of him, customizing a t-shirt with tie-dye or paint, or hand painted ornaments for his car, desk at work, or nightstand. 

For dads who are artistically inclined, you could contribute to his needed art supplies. Sport dads would more than likely always appreciate a ticket to an event for their favorite sport. Dads who enjoy the occasional drink may appreciate a DIY brewing kit to make his own beer or cider. For a dad who loves to cook, consider buying him an appliance or utensil he can use to make his passion easier and more enjoyable.

Some unique ideas include a smart home device like google home or AleXa, a virtual reality set for the immersive experience, and a DNA ancestry kit to explore his heritage.

Let your gift this year show how well you know him and how much you care for him.

There are many who don’t have good relationships with their dad, or who have unfortunately lost them. 

So, if your dad is present and trying to make a difference in your life, why not choose this year to show you appreciate his efforts and presence.  

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