Resolution to reintroduce GPH agreement should provide more information

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A resolution is expected to be passed, introducing the Global Ports agreement for the second time, when Parliament meets on March 21.
This comes amid mounting pressure from the opposition United Progressive Party and other entities about the agreement that they say threatens job security at the ports.
Global Ports Holding will take over the management (and operations) of all cruise ship ports in the country while investing US $83 million toward the development of the local tourism industry.
The agreement has already been laid on the table in Parliament, immediately following the signing on January 31, 2019.
However the government’s Chief of Staff, Lionel Max Hurst, said the second resolution will allow for additional public education on the controversial agreement.
“As a consequence of the debate which has been somewhat misleading, there is an agreement that this resolution will stir some additional debate in the Parliament,” he said, adding that, “This will provide the kind of information necessary in order for people to have a better understanding of how the agreement will work.”

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