Morning magic

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There is a certain joy that comes with starting every day with a fresh outlook and the anticipation of being able to have a day that you will enjoy – whether it is by being productive at work or relaxing with family or a mixture of work and play.

We want to feel like we have some control over our lives and so we often plan how we want things to go. One of the best ways to have a magnificent day, is to start the day right. Use your mornings to set the pace for what you want to follow. How do you do that?

For some, planning the night before is important. Making a to-do list for the next day and having a relaxing night enables them to feel more rested and wake up fresh. You might want to see if that works for you.

Another benefit of being mindful of how you spend your night is that not sleeping well can cause irritability and low energy upon waking, and that’s not how you want to start your day.

Setting an alarm can be useful. Depending on which part of Antigua and Barbuda or the world you live, you might not have the option of being awakened by a crowing cock. You can therefore have your Alexa device wake you up to soothing music, if you are lucky enough to have one of those.

I don’t recommend having the cell phone as your alarm because I don’t think anyone should be sleeping with the cell phone close to his or her head… but that’s just my personal opinion. An old-fashioned clock or clock-radio seems ideal.

Much does not need to be said about having a nutritious breakfast and a bit of exercise or stretching, because we know this is a key part of our morning magic. Remember people, we are not getting younger and so that stretching helps our joints and keeps us limber and flexible. Don’t overlook the little things.

What I want to highlight is that we be intentional about our mindset. If you wake up angry, feeling stressed or overwhelmed, just pause and get yourself centered. Get a cup of bush tea or your coffee and take a moment to breathe before the children start calling your name, before you pick up the telephone and before you turn on the news.

Take deep breaths, find something to be thankful for and say to yourself, “I made it”, “I woke up”.

Then repeat your morning affirmations, whatever they are:

  • I am ready to start the day
  • I will move with confidence today
  • I’m prepared for whatever comes at me
  • I have the tools to succeed

Some persons drink lemon water, some read their Bible or Daily Bread, others have devotions and prayers, some squeeze in a bit of gardening. You choose what works for you and ensure you set time every morning to do it. Consistency is the name of the game. Don’t leave your home unprepared.

Remember, your morning is the foundation on which your day is built and so mastering your morning will fuel you for the remainder of the day and prepare you for what is ahead. We’ve got this!

Starting tomorrow, let’s do it – or again for some. Starting tonight, let’s get prepared for our tomorrow.

Let me know what habits work for you.Send your questions and comments to [email protected]. Your confidentiality is assured

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