Inaugural Taste of Wadadli Junior Chef Cook-Off Competition to ignite culinary talent in Antigua & Barbuda

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Excitement is brewing as educational institutions from across Antigua and Barbuda gear up to flaunt their culinary prowess in the eagerly anticipated inaugural Taste of Wadadli Junior Chef Cook-Off Competition.

Hosted by the Antigua & Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association (ABHTA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation, and Investment, this culinary extravaganza is scheduled to take place at the GARD Centre across two action-packed days – on Friday, November 3 and Monday, November 6, marking the grand commencement of a delectable voyage into the world of gastronomy.

This competition celebrates the quintessential local dish, Pepperpot, and participating schools have dedicated the past four weeks to honing their culinary skills in preparation for this epic showdown. Following the thrilling preliminary rounds, the top four schools will ascend to the finale, slated for Monday, December 4, 2023, under the umbrella of the annual Tourism Week celebration.

The competition is structured into four electrifying rounds, each featuring a set of talented schools:

Friday, November 3, 2023:

  • Round 1 (8:30 am) will bear witness to the culinary wizardry of Glanvilles Secondary, St. Mary’s Secondary, Sir McChesney George High School, and Sir Novelle Richards Academy as they go head-to-head to demonstrate their culinary prowess.
  • Round 2 (1:00 pm) will showcase a fiery Pepperpot showdown between All Saints Secondary School, Princess Margaret School, Pares Secondary School, Antigua Grammar School, and the 7th Day Adventist School.

Monday, November 6, 2023:

  • Round 3 (8:30 am) will shine a spotlight on The Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute, Antigua State College, Clarehall Secondary School, Jennings Secondary School, and Ottos Comprehensive School.
  • Round 4 (1:00 pm) will culminate in a thrilling faceoff between Christ the King High School, The Antigua Girls High School, Irene B. Williams School, and St. Joseph’s Academy.
junior chef preliminary

This event underscores the collaborative efforts of the ABHTA and the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation, and Investment, both dedicated to nurturing the talents of students in the hospitality industry. ABHTA Chairman, Craig Marshall, expressed the organization’s unwavering commitment to this mission, stating, “We intend to include this competition in our annual calendar of events at the ABHTA. Our primary goal is to identify students across Antigua and Barbuda who possess a natural talent for culinary arts and provide them with a platform to nurture their passion. This is a key mission for the ABHTA.”

With an overwhelming response from 18 schools and colleges, the ABHTA extends its gratitude to the dedicated Home Economics teachers and Principals of these institutions for their steadfast support.

To the students, the message is clear: bring your A-game and showcase what you have practised diligently every day, as this is your opportunity to shine on the culinary stage.  Well-wishers and supporters are welcome to visit the GARD Centre to view the competition on both days where local treats will be made available for sale.

The remarkable competition has been made possible through the unwavering support of several valued partners, including The Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation, and Investment, The Ministry of Education, Sports, and Creative Industries, The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, ECAB, Caribbean Distribution Company, Digicel, and the GARD Centre.

The winning school will be awarded EC$10,000 to enhance their Home Economics facilities, and the winning student will have the chance to represent Team Antigua and Barbuda at the prestigious Taste of Caribbean event in 2024 in Miami.

The ABHTA expresses its heartfelt gratitude to these partners for their invaluable contributions to realizing the culinary dreams of these aspiring young chefs.

For additional information about the Taste of Wadadli Junior Chef Cook-Off Competition, please contact the ABHTA office at 462.0374.

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