Green turtle lost to boat strike

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Marine ecologist Ruleo Camacho – of the National Parks Authority (NPA) – inspects a green turtle that was found dead in Falmouth Harbour recently due to a boat strike. Along with the Environmental Awareness Group, the NPA helps keep track of the green turtle population along Antigua’s south coast.

front 7 turtle

Green turtles are one of four turtle species found in Antigua and Barbuda’s waters. They are known to migrate long distances between feeding grounds and hatching beaches and those that reach maturity may live up to 90 years in the wild.

In addition to boat strikes, sea turtles face a number of threats including pollution, being caught in fishing nets, and habitat loss. Green turtles have been listed as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature since 1982. (Photo by Edwin Gifford)

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