President of the Antigua & Barbuda Football Association (ABFA) Everton Gonsalves said that presenting Premier Division clubs with weekly financial rewards would come with a number of constitutional challenges and the need for better accountability on their behalf.
Gonsalves’ statement comes on the heels of claims that he has submitted proposals to both FIFA and CONCACAF on how to best share any financial benefits reaped during the ABFA’s Premier Division.
“The whole issue of accountability would come in. How would clubs account for what they get? That is where I am going so when I am back in Antigua [from the FIFA Congress in May] clubs will know for sure, how, when and why so that when the annual general meeting comes up, clubs will have an opportunity to say that we received ‘x’ dollars and it was spent in stands, field, uniforms or the like. It will be approved and I will say, well done good and faithful servant, you have accounted for the ABFA’s money in a particular way,” he said.
The promise of financial compensation to clubs Gonsalves said, is one that in theory may seem logical but in practicality, not a plausible one.
“You hear people coming to tell you that they are going to give clubs money but you don’t give clubs money when you are part of a non-profit orgainsation and you would check that the ABFA is a non-profit organisation. All its assets belong to all the members of the football association,” he said.
“I will agree that clubs need more financial assistance but we have to do it in a way that is in compliance with the statutes,” the president added.
Despite the challenges, Gonsalves believes that his administration has been one of the most generous in the history of the ABFA.
“There is no single administration that has given more in kind than the Antigua & Barbuda Football Association under my tenure. If you come to me and tell me that you need $2000 for balls, I say, hold on; wait until the next couple of weeks and I, in my personal capacity or my capacity as president, and as we speak, I have 500 balls that were just requested and they are here in Antigua,” he said.
“Cones, which are very expensive to bring as well so clubs have received assistance in a multiplicity of ways and from me
personally because I have a good relationship with corporate people,” Gonsalves added.
The ABFA election is slated for May 22 at the Multipurpose & Exhibition Cultural Centre at Perry Bay.
Gonsalves will be challenged by President of Potters FC, Joel Rayne, President of Tryum FC, Keithroy Black and Vice President of Grenades FC, Edson Joseph.
Gonsalves: Club financing difficult but achievable
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