Cops in Trinidad probe kidnapping of schoolgirl

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Po­lice are now re­spond­ing to a al­leged re­port of kid­nap­ping for ran­som in the San Juan area in­volv­ing an 18-year-old school­girl.

Se­nior po­lice sources told Guardian Me­dia that the school­girl was snatched out­side a pop­u­lar fast food out­let in the Croisee short­ly af­ter mid­day.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors say that of­fi­cers of the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team(SORT) have been con­tact­ed and are on their way to the area along with of­fi­cers of the An­ti-Kid­nap­ping Squad(AKS).

A $30,000 ran­som has been re­port­ed­ly been de­mand­ed for her safe re­lease.

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