CIBC FirstCaribbean helps to spread Christmas cheer

Abdul Browne, Assistant Customer Service Manager, Major Pierre, District Secretary, Dawn Soleyn, Branch manager, Major Jean Cantave, Red Cross Board Member Veronica Yearwood, Lion’s President Desiree Edwards & 2nd VP Gerard Shoul, Ladesa James-Williams, Country Head and Keniah Lee, Customer Service Representative.
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In the midst of the Christmas season, many of Antigua and Barbuda’s voluntary and church organisations reach out to those in need to try to ensure that no one is forgotten. However, to achieve this goal, these organisations depend largely on the generosity of the public and corporate sponsors.

CIBC FirstCaribbean has once again contributed to the cause by donating $10,000 to assist in spreading the Christmas cheer.

“We are pleased to present $5,000 to the Salvation Army, $3,000 to the Lions Club of Antigua and $2,000 to the Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross,” said Ladesa James-Williams, the bank’s Country Head.

“We are all aware of the fantastic work being done by these organisations to assist the less fortunate in our country and we consider it a privilege to be able to play a part.”

The three organisations expressed their thanks and noted that the bank’s generosity will greatly assist their social programmes which are under even more pressure due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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