As of this year, the Prime Minister’s Scholarship fund will cater only to students pursuing studies at the campuses of the University of the West Indies.
Chairman of the Scholarship Committee Maurice Merchant said the streamlining is aimed at encouraging students to look within the region when it comes to educational pursuits and it is also government’s way of cutting costs.
“We would have gotten to a stage whereby our programme is bursting at the seams. They are so many persons who are grabbing hold of the government’s thrust towards educating its people that we are going to streamline the programme this year, Merchant said.
“We are going to be focusing on students who are pursuing studies at the University of the West Indies, so our focus for 2017 will be studies at the UWI,” he reiterated.
He explained that this will include students pursuing studies online through the Open Campus; those who are engaged in the programme at the Antigua State College (ASC) and students who will attend UWI’s Cave Hill, Mona and St Augustine Campuses.
“Pursuing studies at the UWI for us, tends to be more economical, it is less costly and so we are going to be focusing on that for this year,” Merchant said.
The committee chair also stated that students will be able to apply for other scholarships from the People’s Republic of China, Cuba, and Venezuela, among others.
More in today’s Daily Observer.