A tragic incident unfolded on Friday morning as a 47-year-old British national, Roy Jemme, lost his life aboard the pleasure yacht Baton Rouge in English Harbour.
Preliminary investigations suggest that Jemme died of electrocution.
Jemme, serving as the Chief Engineer on board the Baton Rouge, was confronted with a power outage while the yacht was docked at English Harbour.
In an attempt to resolve the issue, he ventured into the engine area.
However, tragedy struck as he was later discovered unresponsive by a crew member who went to check on him.
The crew member found Jemme slumped over inside the engine compartment. Efforts were made to bring him to the main deck of the vessel, where emergency services were summoned.
The Antigua and Barbuda Search and Rescue team promptly responded to the distress call.
Despite the swift response, Jemme was pronounced dead by a doctor upon arrival at the hospital, around 10:19 am.
The incident is believed to have occurred at approximately 8:30 am on Friday, February 23.
The Baton Rouge yacht had been moored at English Harbour since late January.
Authorities are conducting further investigations to ascertain the exact circumstances leading to Jemme’s tragic demise.