Black accuses FA of wanting to delay elections

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One potential candidate for this year’s Football Association election, Keithroy Black, has written to President, Everton Gonsalves, suggesting that his current executive’s four-year tenure will end in May of this year and not is December as is suggested.
Black, who is also head of the Harney Motors Tryum Football Club, has also reportedly written to both the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) and CONCACAF (Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football).
In his letter, delivered last week to the Football Association, Black gives Gonsalves until February 28 to respond to the demands or risk further action against the ABFA.
The potential candidate contends that Gonsalves’ tenure, as president, will end in May of this year, which would mark four years since the last elections held in 2013.
The FA held constitutionally stipulated elections in December of 2012 from which Gonsalves emerged victorious.
FIFA had however re-ordered the elections, following concerns that one candidate, Veron Edwards Jr, was disenfranchised. The elections were re-held in May of 2013 in which, Gonsalves, again, emerged victorious.
Black contends that a date after May would put the current executive past its allotted four-year term.
Some may however consider Black’s letter pre-mature as Gonsalves, a former national player, has not specified a date for the elections this year, stating only that it will be held on or before December 20.

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