Antigua and Barbuda represented at Chiefs of Police Summit at United Nations in New York   

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A delegation of two represented Antigua and Barbuda at the recently concluded Fourth UN Summit of Chiefs of Police (UNCOPS).

The delegation was led by the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Everton Jeffers who was accompanied by the Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control (ONDCP), Mr. Franklyn Daley. 

UNCOPS is the world’s largest meeting for police and military leaders. Over 100 countries were represented at the two-day Summit which was held at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan, New York on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th June.

The Summit is held every two years, and its purpose is to bring together the world’s most senior police and national security officials for a series of discussions and meetings aimed at strengthening international peace, security and development for all people through the unification and enhancement of United Nations policing. 

On Wednesday, Antigua and Barbuda’s representatives would have engaged in several high-level side events sponsored by various UN country Missions and international organisations such as Interpol.

These events are aimed at capacity building and knowledge sharing and provided an opportunity for important networking and relationship building with their counterparts from other countries. 

On Thursday, the event was formally opened at the United Nations by the UN Under Secretary General for Policy, Mr. Guy Ryder.

Afterwards, the delegations engaged in a series of plenary meetings at the UN where they were able to deliver statements on behalf of their respective countries.

 Reflecting on his participation in the Summit, Deputy Commissioner Jeffers said, “It was truly an enlightening experience and the issues raised were very familiar both on the evolution of crime and what we need to do to tackle it.”

The delegation was supported during their time in New York by the Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations, led by the Ambassador His Excellency Aubrey Webson and his team.

The next UNCOPS will take place in 2026.

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