Support Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with SLBMC by donning Gold

wear gold for childhood cancer
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Our pediatric and cancer teams at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre are committed to going above and beyond. This September, we hope you’ll join us in supporting patients in every facet of care. From outcomes to quality and collaboration, we’ll be sharing stories and resources you can use to better understand pediatric cancer and make a difference in a patient’s life.

How You Can Support Patients This Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?

  • Join us and Wear GOLD on September 29th — WEAR GOLD DAY! Gold is the colour of pediatric cancer awareness. We wear it in September to show support for patients everywhere who have previously or are currently battling cancer.
  • Share your story, photos, and messages of support with Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre on social media, using the hashtag #SLBMCares. You can also use hashtags like #ChildhoodCancer, #ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth, and #CCAM.
  • Make a difference in cancer care by making a donation to Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

Raising awareness of childhood cancer this month is important. Awareness drives funding, which drives quality of care. Our children deserve so much more.

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