Residents of Antigua and Barbuda are asked to note that they will be ticketed by police officers on the spot and will have to pay a $500 fine, once they have been “observed and caught” holding and using a mobile device while driving.
According to a release from the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the law took effect from January 2nd 2020. It also informed the public that the Vehicles and Road Traffic Amendment Act of 2018 amended section 56 of the principal Act, and added holding and using a hand-held mobile device to the offence of careless driving.
The Vehicle and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) (Amendment) Order 2019 “makes it and offence for [drivers] to view, send or compose electronic messages. Further Regulation 6 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic (mobile devices) regulations 2019 permits Police Officers to issue a ticket [fixed penalty of $500], if you are observed holding and using a mobile device while driving,” the release added.
“Further, the Vehicles and Road Traffic (Mobile Devices) Regulations of 2019 made stipulations in Regulation 4 and created a prohibition on driving while holding or using a handheld mobile device. Regulation 6 prohibits electronic messaging while driving.”
Who would be the enforcers of such a Law.Are Police Officers exempt from this Law.Because they are always on their phones while driving in and out of uniforms.I can see the Government coffers getting filled to the brim from all of those $500 fines.Is this why Gaston is targeting an estimated GDP of 7.5% growth in 2020.LOL
Not to be a grammar police but I think author of this article made a tiny spelling error.. Paragraph 3, line 2, 3rd word in the quotation, “…and…” should be “an”.
Nevertheless, I hope this increases road safety here because it always blows my mind to see how comfortable some people are driving while on their phones, completely neglecting the possible fatal implications of their actions.
About time
What if I’m stopped at a light and use my phone to call someone on my bluetooth hands free device? What if I’m talking on the phone using the speaker phone? What if I’m driving with the phone held to my head while talking and not texting? What if I hold the phone but don’t use it? What if someone causes an accident while driving and texting can the police get a copy of the persons phone record to see if they were actually texting???? or will this just become a fund raiser?