Joanne Massiah ‘recovering well’ after emergency surgery

Joanne Massiah
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By Tahna Weston

[email protected]

Following emergency surgery, Political Leader of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Joanne Massiah is recovering well and remains hospitalised, according to sources.

Sources say that the surgery to remove a blockage from within her body was successful and she is in good spirits. The operation was reportedly done last Saturday.

However, as per her request, only a short list of individuals is being permitted to visit the former MP.

Massiah, who is also an attorney-at-law, was apparently admitted to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre on June 7 and an urgent appeal went out immediately for blood donations.

Reports are that the need for B negative blood was fulfilled favourably by her colleagues.

The appeal went out via a letter dated June 7 and captioned “Medical Emergency” — from Legal Administrative Assistant Janet Peters at Massiah’s law office, George Solomon Chambers — which notified several officials within the legal fraternity of Massiah’s situation.

The Registrar of the High Court, Registrar of Lands, Registrar of Intellectual Property and Commerce Office, the Chief Magistrate and the Registrar of the Industrial Court all received the letter, as well as other legal practitioners and the Secretary of the Antigua and Barbuda Bar Association.

Many people had taken to social media platforms to extend prayers for Massiah’s speedy recovery and are still expressing concern and wishes for her full recovery.

Massiah once served as an MP within the United Progressive Party (UPP) administration. She later left and formed her own political party and has contested at least two general elections.

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