Government to increase illegal dumping fines to $40,000

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The Antigua and Barbuda government has announced plans to significantly increase fines for illegal dumping from the current maximum of $3,000 for individuals and $15,000 for corporations to $40,000.

This decision comes in response to recent flooding issues exacerbated by illegally dumped debris clogging drains.

Cabinet Spokesman Lionel Hurst stated that the government believes this measure will encourage greater compliance and pride in treating the country.

The increased penalty aims to deter offenders who frequently dump waste in unauthorized locations instead of using the designated Cooks disposal site.

The government plans to use cameras and sensors to catch perpetrators in the act, particularly in known dumping hotspots.

This evidence would be used for convictions in court.

However, the new fine cannot be implemented immediately. Attorney General advised that an amendment to the legislation is required, which will be presented to Parliament in early July.

The government is waiting to ensure all nine of its parliamentarians are available for the session, given the close division in Parliament.

This move represents a significant step in the government’s efforts to combat illegal dumping and its environmental consequences.

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