Man sentenced for rape and serious indecency

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By Samantha Simon

[email protected]

Leon Riley has been sentenced to 18 years for rape and an additional 9 years for serious indecency. These sentences are set to run concurrently, meaning that Riley will serve a total of 18 years behind bars.

The judgment also takes into account the time that Leon Riley spent on remand awaiting trial, which will be deducted from his overall sentence.

Riley’s legal journey through the justice system has been marked by twists and turns, with the recent verdict serving as a resolution to a long and challenging legal battle.

The case stems from an incident seven years ago when Leon Riley was previously convicted of raping a 15-year-old girl near Pensioners Beach.

In April 2016, he was initially charged, and after a jury found him guilty of both rape and serious indecency, he was handed a 15-year prison sentence.

However, in November 2021, Riley’s conviction was overturned by the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal. This decision was made on the basis of a legal technicality, resulting in Riley’s release from custody.

A retrial was subsequently ordered, under the supervision of a new judge, Justice Ann-Marie Smith.

He was found guilty a second time by the jury. Sentencing was handed down on October 31, 2023.

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