Man dead after suspected carbon monoxide poisoning

Police tape marks the Fitches Creek area near where a man died due to alleged carbon monoxide poisoning (Photo by Samantha Simon)
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By Samantha Simon
[email protected]

One member of a three-man team died after an incident of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning whilst working in Fitches Creek on Wednesday.

According to reports, one of the men had entered a cistern they were working to remove water from whilst a pump was running, and after some time began to exhibit symptoms such as lethargy and muscle spasms.

He was allegedly told to exit the cistern by fellow workers but collapsed as he attempted to do so.

Another member of his team then proceeded to enter the cistern in an effort to rescue him but also collapsed, at which point the third member of their team called emergency services.

Upon arrival, members of the Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) retrieved both men from the cistern and emergency medical care was administered to both men before they, along with the third member of their team, were transported to the hospital where the first man to enter the cistern was pronounced dead despite efforts to resuscitate him.

According to reports from witnesses at the scene, firefighters, EMS staff and police were also affected by exposure to what is believed to be carbon monoxide originating from the pump.

Up to news time, the two survivors were being treated at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.

The last recorded incident of carbon monoxide poisoning was of Natasha and Kyle Ladoo, who died after inhaling fumes from a generator placed in the bathroom of their house at Bathlodge in 2014.

Yesterday, Cabinet notes urged all workers who are exposed to conditions “likely to affect their lungs to wear protective masks” and other personal protective equipment while working. 

The notes alluded to a warning from the Minister of Health earlier on Wednesday which “preceded any knowledge of the death and injury suffered by three workers at a cistern in Fitches Creek”.

“The government of Antigua and Barbuda expresses its condolences to the family of the deceased, and pray for a speedy recovery of the two workers who were injured,” they added.

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