International Federation concerned about PM Browne’s comments on Port workers

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To all our sisters and brothers in the ABWU. 

After hearing the outrageous and erroneous comments made by Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister  Gaston Browne, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) passes on the solidarity of nearly half a million dockworkers worldwide and almost 18.5 million transport workers around the world. 

The ITF stands with you in the face of these insults. Dockworkers are not ‘unskilled’ and  ‘ignorant’ ‘labourers’ but, as was recognised during the pandemic, a highly skilled and key workforce. A workforce that selflessly went to work 24/7 throughout the entirety of the global pandemic to ensure goods, services and cargo was available for import and export, including critical medical and food supplies to communities locally, regionally, and globally. 

For this dedication, sacrifice, and hard work dockworkers are entitled to fair remuneration. Your work has created astronomical profits for global employers and governments alike and it is only fair workers reap some of the profits you have accrued. 

The ITF urges the government to apologise for its attacks on your union as this is dangerous and inflammatory talk that will only succeed in escalating a tense situation. The ITF recognises the salary of the dockworker in Antigua and Barbuda is simply a reflection of the value of the difficult and dangerous job you do.

The ITF urges the government to stop playing politics and negotiate with you in good faith on the issues of critical importance to both them and the ABWU. Instead of delivering threats via the media, the government needs to work hard with you to resolve the outstanding issues via dialogue and respect.  

However, the ITF supports your right to reject proposals that would attack your standard of living during a cost-of-living crisis and potentially bring about the systematic destruction of your jobs, rights and entitlements. The catastrophic impact of this on the longshore workers, the industry and the local community should be of real concern to the government. 

Therefore, the ITF calls on the government of Antigua and Barbuda to get back to the negotiating table and show the ABWU the respect they deserve. Over a very long period, your members have delivered record profits through their hard work, sacrifice, and dedication in an extremely dangerous industry. Should the government fail to react positively, the ITF will not hesitate to contact Prime Minister Gaston Browne and bring this matter to the international level. 

We look forward to seeing your members win the pay award and job security they deserve. Until then, you have our unwavering support and solidarity. 

Solidarity with the ABWU! 

Paddy Crumlin Enrico Tortolano ITF President and ITF Dockers Section Chair ITF Dockers Coordinator

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