A for effort: In honour of Alma Mater Day

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Residents across the nation stepped back in time yesterday to honour their former schools on Alma Mater Day. Individuals, businesses and local organisations alike donned school attire for the observance organised by the Ministry of Education.

A number of staff at the Medical Benefits Scheme donated packages to their alma mater, while others pledged to gift their uniform plus supplies to students in need.

Recently installed MP for St John’s Rural West Richard Lewis made financial contributions to the Greenbay Primary School and the Ottos Comprehensive School by way of thanks for what he said was his “educational foundation”.

Other participating entities included Caribbean Union Bank, the National Solid Waste Management Authority, the Antigua and Barbuda International Institute of Technology, State Insurance, the Community First Cooperative Credit Union, and the Intellectual Property and Commerce Office. (Photos courtesy MBS/Facebook)

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