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Judicial and Legal Services Commission Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court

P O Box 1093

The Waterfront

Castries, St. Lucia

West Indies

Re: Formal complaint against judicial interference in Antigua and Barbuda

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Diaspora Progressives is an organisation of Antiguan and Barbudan citizens, concerned about good governance in our country. We write to bring the Committee’s attention to troubling events currently taking place in Antigua and Barbuda, and seek your intervention.
       As the Committee is aware, an investigation of our Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh was recently conducted, and 10 disciplinary charges were filed. The matter is being addressed, and due process pursuant to our Constitution is ongoing. In light of this however, the public received disturbing news that the ABLP-led administration is actively and openly impairing and impeding the process.

According to recent reports, a senior Cabinet minister is “trying to persuade or induce the chief magistrate to resign.” <>. This action, should it be true, is highly improper and unethical.

When the government continues to persist in this type of behaviour, it erodes confidence in our judiciary. This must stop. As citizens, we are reaching out to the Committee to request that it admonishes members of the ABLP-led administration and instruct them to cease and desist from interfering with the Court, the process, and the Chief Magistrate.

We echo the words of Indian writer, Rohini Nilekani, in that “We all want and need the rule of law to be upheld.”


Diaspora Progressives – Antigua & Barbuda

 [email protected]

          Observer NewsCo welcomes letters from members of the public. Names must be supplied but will be withheld from publication on request. Letters are subject to editing for defamatory content.

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