‘It’s not like we’re overflowing with money’: Swimming’s Clashing to focus on fundraising for upcoming events

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By Neto Baptiste

Newly elected President of the Antigua and Barbuda Swimming Federation (ABSF), Edith Clashing, hinted that her honeymoon period will be short as she is faced with the immediate task of ensuring Antigua and Barbuda takes part in a number of pending competitions to include the fast approaching Carifta Swimming Championships from April 6-10 in Curacao.

Speaking on the Good Morning Jojo Sports Show following her election to the post during the ABSF’s electoral congress over the weekend, Clashing said this year will be a packed one for the federation and that finances must be sourced in an effort to take the burden off parents.

“We have Carifta coming up in another two weeks that is going to be hosted in Curacao and we have 15 athletes selected. I remember the days when we were only taking two to four athletes to Carifta and we have now grown the sport by where we have our swimmers who continue to work hard despite the challenges and making the time standards to attend some of these meets,” she said.

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Newly elected president of the swimming federation, Edith Clashing (second from right), greets team Antigua and Barbuda on their return for the 2016 Olympics held in Brazil. (File photo)

“It’s not like we are overflowing with money in our accounts so again, the pressure is back on parents to find the resources and of course, the federation has to find the resources to ensure that they can be supported by coaches,” she added.

Clashing, a former technical director for the swimming federation, said she never intended to challenge for the body’s top position when elections were held over the weekend, revealing that said she took a leap of faith following encouragement from family and friends.

“Let me say I am very humbled for the support I’ve received. I really didn’t have intentions to run but quit a few persons encouraged me strongly and told me that now is my time and interestingly my devotion today was from Ecclesiastes [chapter] three, verse one, ‘For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under the heavens’ so I do believe it is important for us to know our time and I am taking what has transpired as confirmation I am where I am supposed to be right now,” she said.

Clashing is joined for her four-year term by Kem Warner who was elected Vice President (pool), Margarita Fernandez as Vice President (open water), Jenelle Charles Williams as Vice President (aquatic development), Andrea Roberts-Nicholas as Secretary and Pooja Tivary as Treasurer.

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