Passport Recall extended to June 2020

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The Passport Office of Antigua and Barbuda yesterday announced that through a Decision of the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda, it has extended the recall period for all Antigua and Barbuda Machine Readable Passports beyond 31st December, 2019.

The Cabinet, at its meeting on November 6th, 2019, approved a new recall deadline for machine readable passports by another six months until 30th June 2020 to facilitate Antigua and Barbuda passport holders and new applicants who may have been unable to meet the original deadline, a release said.

All citizens of Antigua and Barbuda with a Machine Readable passport are advised that the document now becomes invalid on 30th June, 2020. Only ePassports will be valid for travel as of 1st July 2020. The recall of all Machine Readable passports will facilitate the use of only the new Antigua and Barbuda ePassport introduced in April 2017. 

Read more in today’s newspaper

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