No lawsuit yet from top cop

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There has been “no response” yet to the Police Service Commission’s letter to suspended Commissioner of Police, Wendel Robinson, who threatened to sue the state if his April 13 written demand for his reinstatement on or before April 20, was not met.
Dr. David Dorsett, who represents the commission, told OBSERVER media last evening that he has not heard from the top cop and his lawyer, Sir Richard Cheltenham, since writing to them over two weeks ago.
“We have sent a correspondence to him via email and we have not received any response to the email nor an acknowledgment, so there has been no response,” Dr. Dorsett said. He added, “We wrote to him on behalf of the Commission…we are not aware of any action taken by Mr. Cheltenham in response to our letter to him.”
According to the PSC’s legal representative, the Commission rejected Robinson’s demand and rebutted his argument that his suspension was unlawful.
Dr. Dorsett said the PSC acted lawfully when it suspended the police chief from duties, with half pay, pending the outcome of a probe into his alleged improper conduct with three male junior officers who have accused him of making sexual advances towards them.
The lawyer emphasised that contrary to Robinson’s belief the PSC “acted totally within its limit” therefore it will maintain the suspension.
On April 5, the Commission suspended Robinson and in the interim, his colleague, Atlee Rodney is the acting top cop.
Robinson, who is also a lawyer, threatened to sue the PSC which he said violated the law when is suspended him, by: “acting ultra vires; not complying with the rules of fair play, natural justice and due process; acting in a manner which is inconsistent with established practices and protocols; committing errors of law; failing to give any or any adequate reasons for the punitive steps taken; failing to take relevant considerations into account; abusing its authority; acting without administrative consistency and; violating the Commissioner’s legitimate expectations.”

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