Gov’t to resuscitate school of pharmacy

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The nation’s school of pharmacy is expected to re-commence classes at the end of January, after a two-year hiatus.

The Director of Pharmaceutical Services in the Ministry of Health, Alfred Athill said the school, which had to be closed due to “logistical” and “financial” difficulties, is being re-introduced to fill the demand for pharmacists.

“…The profession is seeing a decline in the number of persons practicing, and for every institution or establishment that needs to have a pharmacist, there is always the need to go out of the country to recruit someone,” Athill said.

He explained that the school had been established while the Holberton Hospital was still in operation, where students received “on the job training” in an apprenticeship system.

The programme was later moved to the Antigua State College (ASC), where formalized classes were established.

Athill said 20 application forms have been distributed, with approximately one dozen being returned.

He is hoping that classes will begin at ASC or University Campus in Five Islands.

“The actual idea is to have the Pharmacy School in place or running in sync with the Government’s new thrust of the University College. However, based on what is happening at that location, I am not sure if we start in a week or two if the school would be functional in that location, but if that is not the case, then we would be back at the old location at Antigua State College in Golden Grove”, Athill said.

The curriculum will include chemistry, biology, pharmacology and pharmacognosy.

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